Tuesday, September 28, 2010

By contrast

By contrast, the pursuit of music and desire .53, Iron Magnolia is a once in Shanghai is expected to iconic music groups, but no trace of the people to meet his expectations, how no one told them, do not rock more than just Chezhuobozai howling, not dress up alternative, nor play the guitar and electric bass, of course, is not herve leger shouting at the burst of temper the freedom of confusion or decadence. how no one to tell them is a kind of rock music, the need to create spiritual needs.
The only memorable only tolerance for many things, trying to understand the future of the .54, ... Before long, you will be defeated by his music. Some people say that Feng Wang's music becomes less sensitive, the lack of a mania and anger. This is indeed WANG Feng I feel the most realistic. on the present state of Feng Wang herve leger dress You want him to write in terms of early works is simply dreaming. drove 6 cars WANG Feng Ma singing , -made aircraft factory Zhang Chu began the narrative of proletarian workers, to talk about their suffering and their joy. song music with the use of special sound effects, including confusion over herve leger bandage dress the rapid development of modern industry bring people's anxiety. Zhang Chu in the vicissitudes of life, completely forgetting imposing our hearts into them. poetic songs that Zhang Chu's musical character, sometimes not very clear whether the music or the words of our .56 for probation, Xu Wei soul melody with Watch us once again moved, and everyone is constantly looking for themselves.

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