Sunday, September 26, 2010

Heat intolerance

heat intolerance, the Rehan, palm vexed hot; Yang who, afraid of the cold, a cold sweat, cold hands and feet. from feeling to see: Yin persons and waist; Yang who, low back pain. from herve leger looking to see: Yin who zygomatic red face was purple-red; Yang who plainer looking dull . kidney deficiencies in the performance of different ages have different features: adolescence In addition to these types of symptoms other than a teenager would not accept because of kidney qi, lung skin and hair and thus give birth to acne , or due to renal brain barrier and fatigue, mental decline, some people will be the main bone of renal non-impact development. middle-aged women winter, cold hands and feet, uterus, ovary, breast, prone to cysts, fibroids, tumors , enter after the age of 40 have some urinary incontinence, some premature menopause.
middle-aged male sexual function sharp decline, after 60 years of age to enter susceptible to prostatitis herve leger dress or hyperplasia. performance of male and female common kidney weak easy to get varicose veins, leg swelling, Jiao Zhong, or rheumatism, hair loss, back pain, bone hyperplasia, urinary tract infection, urgency, frequent urination, tinnitus and deafness, mental fear, sleep disturbance, or for life kidney and spleen soil door Huoshuai morning diarrhea, commonly known as Dawn diarrhea. kidney is the root of congenital brain is sea of marrow. maintenance renal balance, delay will mainly rely on aging kidney. kidney also Yin and Yang must first determine the complement kidney yang deficiency or complement deficiency. Health and Yang Yang, Yin Yin, or just the opposite, poles apart. Yang who yin, waist more and more pain; deficiency who make up Yang, waist up more the more acid. In addition, the kidney should be decided according herve leger bandage dress to their symptoms, usually by a little more. Life is like a car, driving the body to learn to maintain this car

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